【新作と同様の受付期間】To LOVEる 結城美柑 抱き枕カバー
- 物販商品(自宅から発送)あんしんBOOTHパックで配送予定ソフトVer発送までの日数:120日以内¥ 14,000
- 物販商品(自宅から発送)あんしんBOOTHパックで配送予定ハード1(貧乳ガンギマリ)Ver発送までの日数:120日以内¥ 14,000
- 物販商品(自宅から発送)あんしんBOOTHパックで配送予定ハード2(巨乳アへ顔)Ver発送までの日数:120日以内¥ 14,000
【For foreigners】 Please use Agent for overseas shipping. Finally, a detailed introduction to import risks and agents. If you are the first import agent or the first customer to purchase at our shop, please refer to it. (Caution) After the following Japanese explanation, there is an English explanation. It is a machine translation of Excellency Google, who dominates the world. It's so great that it should be perfect with a few tweaks. (So,it's stupid English, please understand the meaning!)
【重要事項】 【Important matter】
※他商品と説明共通 ■予約後のキャンセルは不可です。 ■送付の遅れ、品違いがない限り、ノークレーム、ノーリターンでお願いいたします。 * The explanation is the same as other products. ■ Cancellation is not possible after booking. ■ As long as there is no delay in delivery or product difference, please make no claim or return.
【商品説明・発送時期等】[Product description, shipping time, etc.]
●リキャラ、第5弾です。 この先生に、今後も●リキャラを描いてもらう予定です。 □サイズ:160㎝×50㎝ □下の表現:つるぺた(毛無) □絵師:匿名 □3つのVerのここが違う!! ・表情! ・B面の両手ポーズ ・撃墜マーク(ソフト:なし、調教中:1人分、調教後:3人分) ・ハード1、ハード2の乳首ピアス ・巨乳版あり □生地 P80製トゥルーモイスト (2wayトリコット) ※リアモイストのアップグレード版 ※「白度アップ、よりソフトな色合いなど改良が加えられたもの」(印刷会社談)。 (!注!) 受注期間終了までに、表現の自由をめぐる社会情勢、および災害などで状況が急変し、P80で印刷ができない可能性が、ごくわずかですが考えられます(出店主本人も、購入した方と同時に出品カバーを発注し、利用するため、そんな状況がないほうがベストです) その場合、返金対応などを考えます。この旨、ご了承ください。 □受付期間:商品名のとおり □発送開始:受付完了月の月末(予定) □小ロットの個人製作なので高いです。申し訳ありません。 □送料は何枚でも370円です。 Depending on the sales situation this time and the number of requests, there is a good possibility that it will not be resold from the next time. It is a nostalgic Charlotte. Probably, there will be no new circles in Charlotte after this work, so please consider it! * Depiction of hair on the left lower eyelid on the soft side A and deletion of hair on the left and right lower eyelids on the hard side B (as of 2/27) □ The two Vers are different here! !! ・ Facial expression! ・B-side two-handed pose ・ Abortion mark (soft: none, hard1+2 : for 3 people) □ Fabric P80 rear moist (2way tricot) (!note!) By the end of the ordering period, there is a very small possibility that printing will not be possible on the P80 due to sudden changes in the social situation surrounding freedom of expression and disasters. Since the store owner also orders and uses the exhibition cover at the same time as the purchaser, it is best not to have such a situation. □ Size: 160 cm x 50 cm □ Expression below: Depiction of shaving marks □ Reception period: The order period is the same as the new work □ Shipment start: The end of the month when the reception is completed (planned) □ It is expensive because it is made by a small lot. I'm sorry. □ The shipping fee is 370 yen for any number of sheets.
【送料+発送→到着まで】[postage+Shipping → Arrival]
□送料は通常のヤマト運輸の料金です。(請求時にわかります) 工場から直接搬入された商品をビニール袋に包んだうえで、包装材に包みます。 ・フレスやA&J製品のような成分表はつきません。 ・商品は厳重に包んでおきますが、素人発送のため、見た目が悪くなるかもしれませんので、予めご了承下さい。 □ The shipping fee is the normal Yamato Transport fee. (You will know at the time of invoicing.) Products brought directly from the factory will be wrapped in a plastic bag and then wrapped in packaging material. The products will be wrapped in plastic bags directly from the factory and wrapped in packing materials. We will wrap the product tightly, but please understand that the product may not look as good as it should due to amateur shipping.
【個人情報の取り扱い】 [Handling of personal information]
※他商品と説明共通 ・発送時の品目は「布製品」です。 ・管理用にIDとか番号の紙を付けますが、商品名などは略称で、部外者が見ても何のことかわからないようにしています。 ・匿名発送サービス(あんしんBOOTHパック)を利用します。 ・出品主に、注文した方の情報は、以下の内容しかわかりませんので、ご安心ください。 「当ショップでの購入歴」 「最終到達したヤマトの配送センター名称」 * Common explanation with other products ・ At our shop, we use anonymous shipping service (Anshin BOOTH pack). ・ Please be assured that the seller will only know the following information about the person who placed the order. "Purchase history at this shop" "The name of the Yamato distribution center that finally arrived"
【 To overseas customers. Explanation of import risk and examples of agents】
★Risk explanation★ This is an uncensored genital adult goods. There is a risk of confiscation at customs. If you can find a good agent in your country, choose it. ※The seller fastened the uncensored Dakimakura cover of the China Circle at Shanghai Customs, but was able to get it through a detour route from an excellent importer. ★Example of agency in Japan★ Tenso.com http://www.tenso.com/static/lp_shop_booth ⇒Recommended by Booth. However, Japanese blogs living overseas often have a bad reputation for quality of service. Buyee https://buyee.jp/ ⇒Buyee was a popular agent for overseas customers when they were selling erotic Dakimakura covers on auction sites. Perhaps you have the troubleshooting know-how associated with purchasing an adult Dakimakura cover. Please contact us. Goyokikiya https://guide.goyokikiya.com/ ⇒The price is high, but it seems to have a good reputation for customer service.